The Centre for Reconciliation Interfaith Centre, Central Methodist Church, 123 Hight Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN57PP

Main Purpose of the Role:

Scope of the role
We are looking for people of all ages and different backgrounds and languages to become general TCfR volunteers. Helping at different TCfR events and to support the work of the organisation.
Role Description
Your role will be to volunteer at our interfaith/multifaith library and Fairtrade shop. This is located at TCfR Interfaith Centre, Central Methodist Church on the High Street. With enough volunteers we will have a rota basis but would like to have the library and shop open 10am to 2pm Monday to Thursday. If you would like to volunteer you can let us know the days and times you are able to do. You will be responsible for ensuring the shop and library look presentable, helping customers find books they are looking for, dealing with borrowing books and returning them, shop sales, taking payments and keeping a  record of what is sold and what is borrowed.
Those attending might talk to you so participating in conversations and being understanding to their situation will be needed too.

If you are interested in this role or would like a conversation about this role please contact Subash on 07361259893 or

Key Duties

Other Requirements

