05 Oct

Faith communities are working together on Mitzvah Day and Seva Day in November to raise money and collect donations for Lincoln Hygiene Bank. We will be collecting for Lincoln Hygiene Bank because hygiene poverty is increasing and a BBC article said 6% of all adults in the UK are experiencing it. But for lower income households it is 13% and for disabled people it is 21%. These are shocking statistics for 2024 in the UK. Many pensioners will loose their winter fuel payment this year as well as a cost of living payment they were getting and fuel prices have increased by 10% so more people will be in fuel poverty. If people are in fuel and food poverty they are certainly going to be in hygiene poverty too as one would prioritise bread and milk or a little heating over bleach, toilet roll or deodorant. The need for hygiene support this winter will be greatly increased. This autumn we have launched two new hygiene sessions with another launching soon so we can meet demand and this is wonderful but increased hygiene sessions means an increased need for donations to meet the rising demand. 

Please join us on 24th November at 12 pm at Central Methodist Church on the High Street to bring a hygiene donation and please stay and help us sort and organise all the donations. Work with us and members of different faith communities to give back to the communities in Lincoln and help us support those in need this winter. 

Mitzvah Day 2024 theme is Stronger Together:

After a year of unparalleled conflict abroad and division at home, Mitzvah Day 2024 will offer us a time to heal, connect with each other and focus on what matters in and between our communities – building a better society for all.

On Mitzvah Day, we will defy the forces which tear us apart as we come together to support our local charities and build bridges of commonality. This year we are, quite simply, Stronger Together. 

Whether we are tackling food insecurity, bringing joy and delight to a care home, collecting clothes for those in need or cleaning up a local park – we will be working across faith and non-faith groups. No matter the activity... we will do it together! 

By working side-by-side in this way, people from different faith traditions will build connections, celebrate our shared values, and ultimately create a more unified and supportive society – showing that we are all Stronger Together Seva or 

Sewa Day:

Seva is a universal concept, which involves performing selfless service without expectation of reward and ulterior motive. Seva is a Sanskrit word meaning service and is the highest form of Dharma (righteousness). It means to sacrifice your time and resources for the benefit of others without wanting anything in return.