28 Jun

In June we took a car boot full of beautiful handmade blankets and adult incontinence products to donate to Age UK Lincoln. This donation was very much appreciated and they said it would help a lot of people they are involved with. It was Thank You Day on Sunday July 7th and for this day Age UK delivered blankets to their care clients and clients referred to their HART (Hospital Avoidance Response Service) to thank them for being so wonderful. Thank you for all those you have made a contribution and with your help we are able to provide support where the needs are.

The blanket bank has had many donations of handmade blankets for babies. We made a donation of these to a local organisation called Baby Basket. Baby Basket is run by Bridge Church and new mums who are struggling are referred to Baby Basket by a midwife and they get either a filled baby bath or a filled moses basket of things to support them with their new born. We also made a hygiene donation to Baby Basket as the were running low on donations of certain items for new Mums.

TCfR has recently supported a local primary school, Monks Abbey Primary School, with hygiene support. Each month they do a Fair Share Friday where they support families with food and in June we provided a car boot full of hygiene products for them to use at Fair Share Friday so they could further support families within the school. The school told us they are in need of uniform especially school shoes. The uniform is grey and red. If you have anything you can donated please let us know and we can come and collect your donation.