The Centre for Reconciliation and Subash Chellaiah have been shortlisted for awards for Mitzvah Day 2024.
November 2024 we held a joint Mitzvah Day and Seva Day as part of our Winter Appeal to support Lincoln Hygiene Bank. People from many faith communities came together to raise donations, count, sort and organise them. About 2,000 items were donated for Lincoln Hygiene Bank and really helped us top up all hygiene stock at the hygiene sessions across the city.
TCfR is shortlisted for an all year round award for the work of bringing people from different faiths together through Lincoln Hygiene Bank.
In 2024 we helped about 2,800 individuals with hygiene support and we could not do this without the support of people from Churches, both mosques, the Hindu community, Jewish community etc. The donations and time given to run hygiene sessions enable us to have 6 locations across Lincoln and about 18-20 sessions a month.
Subash has been nominated for an individual award for his work bringing different faith communities together especially through the work of the Lincoln Hygiene Bank and organising the Winter Appeal.
Subash and Steve will attend the Mitzvah Awards later this month in London.